
Tuesday, May 18, 2010


I just took the Belief-O-Matic sorter on BeliefNet. I hadn't taken it in several years, and I thought it would be fun to take it again. I love personality/belief sorters (I don't call them tests because they don't have right or wrong answers.) -  from something like Belief-O-Matic, which has a funny name but is actually serious, to the silly ones on Facebook like What Part of a Fairy Tale Are You? (I'm the magic wand.) I took time to really think about my answers for the Belief-O-Matic and not just click the answer that I have heard the most. I really had to dig deeply for some of the questions. I agreed with my outcome. It had changed slightly since I last taken it, which I feel reflects some of the shifts in my beliefs.

I'm not against sharing my results (and I've already talked about my faith some on this blog), but I don't want to seem to be promoting one branch of my religion over another. When it comes to faith and religion, I think conversations are often more divisive than anything else. They turn angry, even hateful, as one religion (or branch within a religion) accuses another of blasphemy. Ironically, such behavior goes against the tenants of many, if not all, of the world's major religions. I do shy away from talking about my faith sometimes for fear of a hostile conversation. Discussing disagreements in beliefs is good. Keeping an open mind and hearing what someone else believes while exploring your own views can lead to growth.

I wanted to share this sorter because it helped me to explore my faith a little bit, and I thought someone else in cyberland might enjoy it too. BeliefNet has information about many belief systems, and you can explore this information without taking the sorter. Read, explore, discuss, but please, don't let differences in beliefs lead to hostility.